How stupid I was when writing my May 2008 iPhone post!
In May there was the announcement that Mobistar was going to distribute the iPhone and I ridiculed Proximus. Hmm, well, who is more pathetic? Proximus that didn't make a deal with Apple or Mobistar that did and is now piling up one failure after another, even before the device is available. You'd wonder what kind of real failures we are going to see when Mobistar eventually gets round to deciding when they are going to announce their plans, hopefully not again cancel the the press conference at the last minute, and hopefully again going to stick to whatever they announced. So what nightmares could we possibly be looking forward to?
- iPhone and NO visual voice mail?
- Very partial and 3G coverage?
- Saturation on their 3G network?
- Expensive data plans?
- Limits on the data plans?
I am really putting my money now on the hacker community being able to hack the new iPhone and to find a way to buy one somewhere else and leisurely use the Proximus 3G network. With a bit of luck Proximus is going to see the light and put in place a data plan tailored to the iPhone although they probably wouldn't be able to call it that way. Call it a mobile plan for the data hungry or whatever! With that in place, all except one of the above nightmares are sorted and I think I can live without the visual voice mail.
With that off my chest, I can go on now to more productive work.
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